Mill Street
Photo Stuart Robertson
Photo Eric Roxburgh
Photos Terry Harrison
Photo Judy A. Ollikkala
Photo - Anon
Left: The photo is taken before 1901, when the trees were planted down the
side of the lade. The lade is the tailrace from the first wheel which was wooden.
The wheel itself was made from Oak, from Drumlanrig Estate, Dumfrieshire. The
lade was filled in, in 1905.
Photo Anon
Photo Terry Harrison
Photos Terry Harrison
Top and Bottom Left: Photos - Anon
Others: Terry Harrison
Right: The photo is taken from just within the mill gates, before 1901,
when the trees were planted down the side of the lade.
Photos Terry Harrison
Photos - Terry Harrison
Left: The keystone of the arch left of the
building, is now in Catrine Church. The date on the stone is 1826, when the
largest double water wheel in the world was installed. The arch carried the
water to the wheels, which powered the mill.
Photo - Terry Harrison
The old Post Office, which was near the mill.
Photo - Terry Harrison
Left: Gillies' store at the foot of the
church steps, which can be seen on the right of the photo
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