Muirkirk - Kirkgreen
Photos - Jimmy Taylor
Left: Kirkgreen. On the right the Black Bottle Tavern. Top, the Parish Church. Erected 1631.
The present building was erected in 1812.
The view on the right shows Bridge Street East. Black Bottle Tavern on the left.

Photos -
These modern views taken in July 2001, show what the area is like today.
Photo Nally Murray
Photo Jimmy Taylor
Views of Kirkgreen

Photos Jimmy Taylor
Left: The original Kirkgreen Branch of Muirkirk Co-operative Society.
It later moved round the corner to Bridge Street - See below.
Right: Left: Bridge Street. Co-operative Buildings showing the Kirkgreen
Co-operative Shop. In the Background is the Black Bottle Tavern.

Photos Nally Murray
Residents of Kirkgreen. 

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