The Ancient Jougs
The ancient Jougs, hang on the wall of Sorn
Church. The image on the left shows a view of the old kirk, with the jougs
hanging aprox at the same height as the door handle, to the right of the door.
A closer image on the right, shows a clearer view. Click on the jougs for
an even closer view, or show a higher res view of the right hand image by
clicking the church door area.
Below, a paragraph from the Sorn Parish chapter of Paterson's 1852 History
of Ayrshire & It's Families book, see books and articles.
The Jougs were not
always where they are today
From the book < Sorn
Parish, It's History & Associations > by Helen Steven 1898
"Until about forty
years ago the ancient jougs hung from the kirk wall. They were removed, no one
knows by whom."...........................
From the Sorn Parish Magazines
dated June 1912
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