Sorn - Lintmill
Photo Terry Harrison |
Photo Callum Allan |
On the left, one of the best images of the position
of Lintmill, in the field opposite "Morton's Garage". The river has
taken away most of the area where the building was. It is still in living memory
that at one time you could take a horse and cart along the side of the house
with ease, between the house and the river. The river as an estimate has eroded
to somewhere near the middle chimney. There are still ruins on the site to this
day. The right hand image was dated 1905, and therefore dates the photograph
before this time. The people in the photo are the Harrison family, that of Terry
and Hughy both contributors to this web site.
Photo Jean Cunningham
Photo Kenny Baird
An idea of the location of Lintmill. The building in the background is
the Greyhound Inn, across the river. The children in the photograph are Margaret
Fell (Dalgain farm), unid, Jean (Girvan) Cunningham (middle), May (Muir) Joss,
Elsie McCombe. All that is left is on the right, taken in 1998. The area
is a little overgrown, but the Greyhound building is still seen
Photos Rachel McIntyre
A great view of Lintmill above the centre of the bridge, showing it's relative
location, and right, a wider angle shot which shows Sorn Mill and wheel.

Photos Rachel McIntyre
A zoom on the centre of the left imge.
Photo Bessie Robb
Lintmill can be seen below the arches of the "Auld Brig".
Photo From Harry Girvan's Cines Photo K Baird,
L Stewart
Left: A blurred view from 1945 from the New Brig, looking down the River Ayr,
towards Lintmill.
Right: Only bushes and rubble remain on the site nowadays
Photos John Faulds
Two images of the area from the air, showing the old site of Lint Mill. It stood
where the ploughed field meets the grass.
Photo - Library and Information service, East Ayrshire Council
A view looking up the river from Lintmill corner, with
the school on the left.
This view must have been much more spectacular when the river was in full spate,
charging towards the house.
Mills of Sorn
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