Sorn People At Work
Photo Tam McClatchie |
Photo Terry
Harrison |
This is an image of the Sorn roadman and his horse.
The man in the photo is Tam's grandfather, who stayed at Wellhill, between Auchmannoch
and Auchencloigh.
Right: Dalgain, Willie Wither on the right
Photos Terry Harrison
Left: Unid, Dannywilson (Sorn), Park (Waulkmill), unid.
Right: John Montgommery 2nd from the right
Photo Terry
Harrison |
Photo Chris
Lees |
David Sommervel |
Terry Harrison |
The image on the left shows the shed (centre) where the old "Tortank" was.
On the right is the men and the tractor which pulled the tank of tar, to repair
the roads.
Photos George Black
Left: The local Policemen in the Catrine and Sorn area, 1950s. PC John Black,
right and a PC Brown of Catrine,left. Anyone name the Serg?
Right: 16 Woodlands Road was at one time both the home of John Black the Policeman
as well as being the small local office.
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