www.ayrshirehistory.com - On Line Slideshow of Auld Mauchline

Photo Burns House Museum - Mauchline

This image of The Loudoun Arms also shows the archway into Netherplace, (dated 1873) and the old Loudoun Spoot.

An old image such as this makes one imagine that life ran at a slower pace in those days. The reality may have been somewhat different though. This would have been the very spot where the accident recorded below took place. There was no date on this press cutting, but it would probably pre date 1900. (The McIntyre's took over Sorn Castle in 1908)

Photographer - Unknown (possibly John Taylor Gibb?)

Original Media - 6.5" x 4.5" Glass Negative (0178)

Press report of an accicent in Mauchline, courtesy of Bert McGregor

www.ayrshirehistory.com - On Line Slideshow of Auld Mauchline