Photo Willie Lyle
- Mauchline
A close up of the door in the centre part of the block in the previous image. You can just about make out the name Star Inn above the door, by using a little imagination!! Because of the clarity of the image, this can only be a possibility that the Star Inn was here, until we find further evidence. A story about the Star Inn was related by Joe Rae of Beith, (Formerly Sorn and March house) that he was working at Killochead Farm near Auchincloigh in the mid 50's. In the loft was a big old stone jar, with writing on it. It was from "The Star Inn", Mauchline. Follow ups to present and past owners regards this historical item were fruitless, and one wonders where this old relic will be now. There is a similar item from the Dumfries Arms Hotel, on display in the Barr Castle Museum, Galston.
Original Media - Glass Negative (248) | - On Line Slideshow of
Auld Mauchline